Roadmap for future work:

Rebalance work index:

Various filesystem features may want data to be moved around or rewritten in the background: e.g. using a device as a writeback cache, or using the background_compression option - excluding copygc, these are all handled by the rebalance thread. Rebalance currently has to scan the entire extents and reflink btrees to find work items: in the near future, we'll be adding a rebalance_work index, which will just be a bitset btree indicating which extents need to have work done on them.

The btree write buffer, which e.g. the backpointers code heavily relies upon, gives us the ability to maintain this index with minimal runtime overhead.

We also have to start tracking the pending work in the extent itself, with a new extent field (e.g. compress with given compression type, for the background_compression option, or move to different target for the background_target option).

Most of the design and implementation for this is complete - there is still some work related to the triggers code remaining.

tmpdir support

Add a directory option for using it as a tmpdir - the contents will be deleted on every mount.

Since the contents won't be needed after an unclean shutdown, there's no need for fsync() to do anything - this option will also turn fsync() into a noop, and without the fsync buffered IO will only be flushed on memory reclaim - meaning, tmpdir directories should perform just as well as a tmpfs.


We'd like to add multithreaded compression, for when a single thread is doing writes at a high enough rate to be CPU bound.

We'd also like to add support for xz compression: this will be useful when doing a "squashfs-like" mode. The blocker is that kernel only has support for xz decompression, not compression - hopefully we can get this added.


We're still missing scrub support. Scrub's job will be to walk all data in the filesystem and verify checksums, recovery bad data from a good copy if it exists or notifying the user if data is unrecoverable.

Since we now have backpointers, we have the option of doing scrub in keyspace order, or lba order - lba order will be much better for rotational devices.

Configurationless tiered storage

We're starting to work on benchmarking individual devices at format time, and storing their performance characteristics in the superblock.

This will allow for a number of useful things - including better tracking of drive health over time - but the real prize will be tiering that doesn't require explicit configuration: foreground writes will preferentially go to the fastest device(s), and in the background data will be moved from fast devices to slow devices, taking into account how hot or cold that data is.

Even better, this will finally give us a way to manage more than two tiers, or performance classes, of devices.

Disk space accounting:

Currently, disk space accounting is primarily persisted in the journal (on clean shutdown, it's also stored in the superblock), and each disk space counter is added to every journal entry.

So currently there's a real limit on how many counters we can maintain, and we'll need to do something else before adding e.g. per snapshot disk space accounting.

We'll need to make disk space accounting keys in a btree, like all other metadata. Since disk space accounting was implemented we've gained the btree write buffer code, so this is now possible: on transaction commit, we will do write buffer updates with deltas for the counters being modified, and then the btree write buffer flush code will handle summing up the deltas and flushing the updates to the underlying btree.

We also want to add more counters to the inode. Right now in the inode we only track sectors used as fallocate would see them - we should add counters that take into account replication and compression.

Device management:

We need a concept of "failure domains", and perhaps something more, for managing large numbers of devices with bcachefs to make sense. Currently, disks can be assigned labels that are essentially paths, delimited by periods, e.g.

controller1.ssd.ssd1 controller1.ssd.ssd2 controller1.hdd.hdd1 controller2.hdd.hdd1 controller2.hdd.hdd2

This lets disks be organized into a heirarchy, and referring to any part of the heirarchy will include all the disks underneath that point: e.g. controller1 would refer to the first three disks in the example.

This is insufficient, though. If a user has a filesystem with 60 drives, all alike, we need a way to specify that some disks are on the same controller and that multiple replicas should not be stored on the same controller, and we also need a way to constrain how replicated writes are laid out. Today, in a 60 devices filesystem with 3x replication, each allocation will be unconstrained which means that the failure of any three devices would lead to loss of data.

A feature that addresses these issues still needs to be designed.

Send and receive

Like ZFS and btrfs have, we need it to. This will give us the ability to efficiently synchronize filesystems over a network for backup/redundancy purposes - much more efficient than rsync, and it'll pair well with snapshots.

Since all metadata exists as btree keys, this won't be a huge amount of work to implement: we need a network protocol, and then we need to scan and send for keys newer than version number X (if making use of key version numbers), or keys newer than a given snapshot ID.

Support for sub-block size writes

Devices with larger than 4k blocksize are coming, and this is going to result in more wasted disk space due to internal fragmentation.

Support for writes at smaller than blocksize granularity would be a useful addition. The read size is easy: they'll require bouncing, which we already support. Writes are trickier - there's a few options:

  • Buffer up writes when we don't have full blocks to write? Highly problematic, not going to do this.
  • Read modify write? Not an option for raw flash, would prefer it to not be our only option
  • Do data journalling when we don't have a full block to write? Possible solution, we want data journalling anyways

Journal on NVRAM devices

NVRAM devices are currently a specialized thing, which are always promising to become more widely available. We could make use of them for the journal; they'd let us cheaply add full data journalling (useful for previous feature) and greatly reduce fsync overhead.

Online fsck

For supporting huge filesystems, and competing with XFS, we will eventually need online fsck.

This will be easier in bcachefs than it was in XFS, since our fsck implementation is part of the main filesystem codebase and uses the normal btree transaction API that's available at runtime.

That means that the current fsck implementation will eventually also be the online fsck implementation: the process will mostly be a matter of auditing the existing fsck codebase for locking issues, and adding additional locking w.r.t. the rest of the filesystem where needed.

ZNS, SMR device support:

ZNS is a technology for cutting out the normal normal flash translation layer (FTL), and instead exposing an interface closer to the raw flash.

SSDs have large erase units, much larger than the write blocksize, so the FTL has to implement a mapping layer as well as garbage collection to expose a normal, random write block device interface. Since a copy-on-write filesystem needs both of these anyways, adding ZNS support to bcachefs will eliminate a significant amount of overhead and improve performance, especially tail latency.

SMR is another technology for rotational hard drives, completely different from ZNS in implementation but quite similar in how it is exposed and used. SMR enables higher density, and supporting it directly in the filesystem eliminates much of the performance penalties.

bcachefs allocation is bucket based: we allocate an entire bucket, write to it once, and then never rewrite it until the entire bucket is empty and ready to be reused. This maps nicely to both ZNS and SMR zones, which makes supporting both of these directly particularly attractive.

Squashfs mode

Righ now we have dedicated filesystems, like squashfs, for building and reading from a highly compressed but read-only filesystem.

bcachefs metadata is highly space efficient(e.g. packed bkeys, and could probably serve as a direct replacement with a relatively small amount of work to generate a filesystem image in the most compact way. The same filesystem image could later be mounted read-write, if given more space.

Specifying a directory tree to include when creating a new filesystem is already a requested feature - other filesystems have this as the -c option to mkfs.

Container filesystem mode

Container filesystems are another special purpose type of filesystem we could potentially fold into bcachefs - e.g. puzzlefs

These have a number of features, e.g. verity support for cryptographically verifying a filesystem image (which we can do via our existing cryptographic MAC support) - but the interesting feature here is support for referring to data (extents, entire files) in a separate location - in this case, the host filesystem.

Cloud storage management

The previous feature is potentially more widely useful: allowing inodes and extents to refer to arbitrary callbacks for fetching/storing data would be the basis for managing data in e.g. cloud storage, and in combination with local storage in a seamless tierid system.